
A Relationship Worth Working On

Student Health Advocates

Feb 23, 2021

When people think of the word ‘relationship’, one of the first things they’ll think of is a romantic relationship. Although this is true, one of the least thought of examples of a relationship is the one that you have with yourself.  In a time where young adults are driven to be productive with their fast-paced lives, taking care of oneself is often...

OSBHA February Newsletter

Ashley McAllister

Feb 22, 2021

  In this month's newsletter, we interviewed Shian Gutierrez, our new Community Partnerships Coordinator. Shian is working to strengthen partnerships with Latino/a/x focused organizations to ensure that OSBHA's work supports the needs of Latino/a/x youth across Oregon. What brings you to this work? My passion in education and human development, plus my own...

Donating Blood: Why Your Sexuality Matters

Student Health Advocates

Jan 31, 2021

In honor of national blood donor month, I want to share a little about my experience with donating blood and why I am very grateful to be able to have this experience. Every 56 days I wake up, eat a big breakfast, drink lots of water, drive to a blood donation center, and donate a pint of blood. I do this because in May of 2020 I was struggling with my mental health more than I ever have...

When COVID Strikes…

Student Health Advocates

Jan 30, 2021

Times have been tough this last year, we can all agree on that. Our daily schedules have now been switched to finishing all of our tasks from the comfort of our own homes, but this can be rough because our daily physical activity and social interactions can be limited by this. Social gatherings have been restricted to a minimum and that lack of social interaction can take a toll on mental...

OSBHA December Newsletter

Ashley McAllister

Dec 23, 2020

In this month's newsletter, we interviewed Salma, a Student Health Advocate at OSBHA, about the impact COVID-19 has had on her life. Thank you to Salma  for sharing your story with us.  How has COVID-19 impacted your mental, physical, and/or emotional health?  It’s crazy to think that we’ve been in this state for 9 months. In what feels like a blink of an...

OSBHA November Newsletter

Ashley McAllister

Nov 30, 2020

In our November newsletter, two OSBHA Student Health Advocates share about the impact COVID-19 has had on their lives. Thank you to Azucena and E for sharing your experiences and photos with us.   Azucena...

OSBHA October Newsletter

Ashley McAllister

Oct 30, 2020

In our October newsletter, we interview Jen Shin, the new Operations Manager at OSBHA! This month, we're welcoming Jen Shin to OSBHA as our new Operations Manager. We're so thrilled to have her on our team. Jen answered some questions about her passions and what brings her to OSBHA. What brings you to this work? My own personal experience with mental health drew me to the social...

School-Based Health Center YAC Toolkit

Ashley McAllister

Oct 7, 2020

“Nothing about us without us.” -Slogan used by disability rights activists  Oregon’s school-based health centers (SBHCs) provide comprehensive, affordable health care to young people on their school grounds. SBHCs reduce barriers such as cost, transportation, and concerns surrounding confidentiality that often keep youth from seeking the health services they need....

OSBHA September Newsletter

Ashley McAllister

Sep 30, 2020

In our September newsletter, Zeenia Junkeer shares about the importance of disaggregated data and addressing systemic racism. I want to begin by honoring the immense wisdom and strength of Native, Black, and Brown communities. Not just in this time of COVID-19, but always, many of us carry our ancestors with us and while the resilience we experience is undoubtedly tied to a...

Student Health Advocate Recruitment

Sep 23, 2020

OSBHA is currently searching for youth who have a passion for health equity to become members of the Student Health Advocate team! The application deadline is October 9th, 2020. Click here to apply.   Please feel free to share with all youth ages 14-22 you may know! We look forward to hearing from you!
