2019 Oregon School Based Mental Health Summit

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Oregon School-Based Mental Health Summit
April 12th, 2019
Riverhouse on the Deschutes
3075 N Business 97
Bend, OR 97703
On April 12th, 2019, leaders in school-based health care will come together to discuss innovative ways to provide mental health services to Oregon's youth at the second state-wide Oregon School-Based Mental Health Summit.
In 2016, nearly 100 administrators, providers, educators and policy experts came together to attend sessions addressing topics including Trauma Informed Care, Suicide Prevention, Crisis Response and Addictions. In 2019 we will come together again to learn from experts and each other as professionals across Oregon work to improve the mental health of Oregon youth. 
We are excited to bring this statewide group to Central Oregon to the Riverhouse in 2019.



Riverhouse on the Deschutes
3075 N Business 97

Summit Agenda

8:00 - 9:00:  Breakfast and Registration

9:00 - 9:15:  Welcome

9:15 - 10:15 General Session 1
Youth Panel: Our View of Mental Health and Primary Care Services in SBHCs
Featuring OSBHA Student Health Advocates, EASA Youth and Bend/Deschutes Youth Action Council

10:15 - 10:30 Break

10:30 - 11:30 Breakout Session 1

A. Enhancing School Health Services to Support Attendance and Trauma Informed School Initiatives
Featuring: Dana Goodale, MSW, Polk County
Danielle Vander Linden, MS, QMHP, Central School District
Maureen Hinman, Oregon School-Based Health Alliance
Karen Remington, Salem Health Medical Group Clinic Manager 

The Oregon School-Based Health Alliance, Central School District, Polk County, and the Central Health and Wellness Center (SBHC) have come together in a collaborative effort to create systems that support students differently than has been done before. The objective is to decrease absenteeism by strengthening resilience among those who have ACEs and toxic stress and building resilience for students that need additional support, but may not need intensive individualized services. This presentation shares the activities that have occurred in the first year of a three-year effort, and focuses on the process of deepening cross sector collaboration to more effectively work together. 

Full Session Description

B. LGBTQI Youth: Creating Safety and Countering Microaggressions
Featuring: Cort Dorn-Medeiros PhD and Rafe McCullough, PhD, Lewis & Clark College

In this interactive session, participants will engage in a dialogue about best practices to engaging LGBTQ youth in affirmative counseling within a school environment. Participants will also acquire better skills for working in collaboration with school staff, including resistant school staff, to advocate with and on behalf of LGBTQ youth

Full Session Description

C. Models for Behavioral and Mental Health Integration in SBHCs
Kristin Case FNP, Joanne Serna, LCSW, Multnomah County Health Department
Tamara Harris, MPH, Systems Clinic Manager, Mosaic Medical

Behavioral health integration is critical in addressing the biopsychosocial needs of youth. We will share our integration journey while addressing sustainability, productivity and barriers.  We will also demonstrate how the integrated behavioral health model is uniquely set up to meet the needs of clients with an evidence based model which highlights brief, problem-focused interventions

Full Session Description

11:30 - 1:00 Lunch and Keynote Speaker
Shine: A professional counselor from the projects invites us to look with love

Featuring: Elizabeth Fitzgerald, LPC, Deschutes County

There is no curriculum for world peace but trauma-informed care comes pretty close. In this talk I’ll share with you the four primary goals of trauma-informed care as outlined by SAMHSA and how these goals help us move from fear to trust, shadow to light, allowing us to Shine as individuals, organizations and communities. We’ll explore and validate the things we’re already doing well, while challenging ourselves to think about where we can grow from here. Drawing on my experiences as both a licensed professional counselor and survivor of complex trauma and generational poverty, I’ll invite us to see ourselves and each other through a lens of compassion, humor, strength and love.

This keynote speech was first presented at the 2018 Confederation of Oregon School Administrators annual conference in Seaside

Full Session Description

1:00 - 1:15 Break

1:15 - 2:15 General Session 2
Suicide Prevention: Primary Care and Mental Health Coordination for Risk Assessment & Response
Roger Brubaker MPH, Suicide Prevention Coordinator, Lane County
Ellen Thornton Love MSW, Lane County Behavioral Health Services

This session will provide a broad overview of evidence-based and best practices in suicide prevention for screening, risk assessment, safety planning and counseling on access to lethal means.  Presenters will discuss how to implement these practices in a school-based health center or other clinical setting and how to collaborate with other healthcare providers to support patient health. Presenters will also share helpful resources to support identification and implementation of these practices in both clinical and school-based settings.

Full Session Description

2:15 - 2:30 Break

2:30 - 3:30 Break Out Session 2

A. ACEs and Resilience Assessment in SBHCs
RJ Gillespie, MD, MHPE, OR Pediatric Improvement Project

Adverse Childhood Experiences are a well-known risk factor for lifelong physical, emotional and behavioral health problems, and are seen daily in primary care practice, often unbeknownst to the provider. The American Academy of Pediatrics’ 2012 policy statement advises primary care pediatricians to assess for common precipitants to toxic stress that are common in their practice settings. This workshop will review current best practices in assessing ACEs and Resilience in primary care, with a focus on applicability to SBHCs.

Full Session Description

B. Youth Empowerment in Mental Health
Featuring: Joy Lotus, MA, Jackson Care Connect

Our CCO is engaging youth voice in our processes and our decision making regarding grants. This session includes lessons learned from building our youth advisory council. How we created buy in at our CCO to including youth voice. How to include both structure and flexibility to create a positive learning experience for the youth while giving them the freedom to step into their own leadership.

Full Session Description

C. Measuring the Collective Impact of Suicide Prevention
Whitney Schumacher, MPH, Suicide Prevention Coordinator, Deschutes County Health Services
Paige Farris MSW, Community Research Program Administrator/ Research Associate, Oregon Health & Science University

Measuring the impact of suicide prevention efforts allows entities to honor and track progress in order to determine which efforts are positively impacting their communities. Learn how we created a realistic, simple, and impactful evaluation framework for our entities’ strategic plans so you, too, can apply the concepts.

Full Session Description

3:45 - 4:00 Break

4:00 - 5:00 General Session 3

Provider Resilience: Keeping Ourselves Well
Amy Yillik PhD, Bend-La Pine School District

Contrary to the ‘outside world’s’ perspective, being a professional helper is stressful! Research shows that Toxic Stress leads to higher rates of burnout, cognitive impairments, physical disease and mental health disorders.  In this session, Dr. Yillik will share current research on stress and how to minimize its impact in our daily lives. 

Full Session Description

The Oregon Chapter of the NASW is pleased to extend six professional continuing education credit for attendance at this conference.  Credit will be recognized by the awarding of a formal certificate of attendance and listing your name in state NASW Continuing Education Records. To be eligible for continuing education credit, it is necessary for you to sign the conference roster at the registration table and complete the Conference Evaluation form upon completion of the conference. Certificates are available at the conclusion of the conference at the registration table.