
The Biggest YAC Summit Yet!


Nov 22, 2019

The third Oregon YAC Summit on November 8, 2019 brought nearly 100 people statewide to the YAC Summit. The theme for this year's YAC Summit was "Blossoming Into Leadership". This year, the YAC Summit Youth Planning Committee wanted to celebrate and recognize current YACs/SHACs as leaders in their communities and give them additional tools to move their work! We had an expert...

Youth Blog: Stressed Is Just Desserts Spelled Backwards!

Student Health Advocates

Nov 22, 2019

This blog post is by Jaelene Chavez, a member of OSBHA Student Health Advocates.  A few tips to help you manage stress    As us students make our way through the school year, we know it can get tough, especially during these next few months. Seniors have many college applications and scholarship deadlines approaching soon, juniors have begun...

Youth Blog: Can the Sexual Education Gap be Filled with the Internet?

Student Health Advocates

Oct 25, 2019

This blog post is by Jennifer Cruz Hernandez, a member of OSBHA Student Health Advocates.  One would expect for societal norms in sexual education to be responsive of the needs of current generations. However, that is not the case. In the Journal of Health Communication through the article “Is the Internet Filling the Sexual Health Information Gap for Teens? An...

Interview with OSBHA's New Board Co-Chair


Sep 16, 2019

OSBHA is so happy to welcome Sarah Fast as our new Board Co-Chair. In this interview, she explains what brought her to this work and where we're going from here.    Please describe your background and how it brings you to OSBHA. I have dedicated the majority of my professional career to working with youth across the Portland Metropolitan Area to help them (and their...

School Health Services Planning Grant


Aug 27, 2019

We are proud of conceptualizing and advocating for legislation that funded the School Health Services Planning Grant (RFGP 4855-0), issued by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). This funding will support up to 12 school districts or ESDs to evaluate the need for school-based health services in their respective communities and will then fund up to 6 new school-based health centers and up to 4 sites...

HPV Update from our Youth Programs Intern


Aug 16, 2019

This blog post is by Annie Jiang, OSBHA's Summer Youth Programs Intern. Annie is a student at Reed College. As an education lover, she strives to make education more accessible and fun to students so that students are able to enjoy the rewarding nature of knowledge.  Cancer, the disease that everyone fears, is not curable yet. However, scientists and medical practitioners have...

Creating a Model for Youth-Driven HPV Prevention

Student Health Advocates

Aug 14, 2019

This blog post is by Megan Feely, a former member of the OSBHA Student Health Advocates.  For the last few months, OSBHA Student Health Advocates have been developing youth-led HPV prevention education based on evidence and best practices. Education sessions will be provided to high school students as part of our feasibility study project, funded by the Knight Cancer...

Oregon HPV Vaccination Week & Youth Voice


Aug 13, 2019

At OSBHA, we believe youth voice is critical to healthcare programming, policy, and advocacy. We strive to center the youth voice in everything that we do, and we are actively engaging in practices that redistribute, share and build power with youth to change systems of inequity. When OSBHA Student Health Advocates were invited to submit a proposal to present at the 2018 Oregon HPV Summit,...

YAC and YouthLine: The Importance of Integrating Mental Health and Wellness in YAC’s to Progressively Advocate for Healthy Lifestyles

Student Health Advocates

Jul 3, 2019

  This blog post is by Trace Terrell, a member of La Pine High School Youth Action Council  Hello everybody! My name is Trace Terrell, im 15, and I am involved with YouthLine: a free, confidential, teen-to-teen crisis help support hotline for teens, and in my schools YAC (Youth Action Council). This blog post represents my personal views, not those of the YAC or YouthLine...
