The Biggest YAC Summit Yet!

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The third Oregon YAC Summit on November 8, 2019 brought nearly 100 people statewide to the YAC Summit.

The theme for this year's YAC Summit was "Blossoming Into Leadership". This year, the YAC Summit Youth Planning Committee wanted to celebrate and recognize current YACs/SHACs as leaders in their communities and give them additional tools to move their work! We had an expert panel to discuss topics that are important to youth in Oregon, discussion on what it means to be leaders, a world café, and workshops on project planning and SMART Goals to jump-start planning YAC projects. We even included a YAC Coordinator track for adults to discuss sharing power with youth and connecting SBHCs withs schools. 

The most talked-about activity of the day was the World Café, we had our 4 expert panelist talking about sexual health, health insurance and coverage, mental health, and drugs & alcohol. We spend 45 minutes sharing ideas and discussing how these topics affect our communities. A lot of great discussion and vulnerability!

Thank you to everyone who joined us on this day. We appreciate the work you do every day to make your schools and communities a healthier place to live.