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Our mission is to center youth through the expansion of school health services that shatter health and education disparities, honor youth identities and voices, and prioritize their wellness and joy.

Wellness Partner

Wellness Partners provide key backing for OSBHA to support Oregon Youth.



OSBHA hosts a number of convenings, trainings, webinars, advocacy events and summits throughout the year.



SBHCs support student health and academic achievement. Our stories will help you understand why.


Support OSBHA

Your donations and memberships are essential forms of support.


From Our Blogs

Image of three young people in a clinic waiting room speaking with a healthcare provider. There is a LGBTQIA+ flag on the wall in the background.
New School-Based Health Center Outreach Toolkit The Oregon School-Based Health Alliance (OSBHA) is pleased to provide you with a toolkit to support communications about your School-Based Health Center and ensure SBHCs are recognized as a community resource for families and young people to receive health services.  The toolkit was developed with input from youth and SBHCs
Oregon School-Based Health Alliance staff discuss how they partner with youth as they work to develop school health services in Oregon. 
Join Our Board of Directors.  Are you passionate about the intersectionality of health and education and advocacy?  Apply at osbha.org
The Oregon School-Based Health Alliance is seeking board members to join our 2022 board! This is an opportunity to engage in: building community, supporting work at the intersection of health and education, learning and using fundraising skills, implementing the organization’s strategic plan and vision, and more - all of which we will provide training for. Prior board experience is