Give youth the opportunity to drive change.

Supporting one young person can positively impact the lives of many.

Send a youth advocate to the Capitol.
Your donation provides a young person with the opportunity to advocate, gain skills, and share their story with State legislators at a Capitol event.
Send a youth advocate to our JOY conference.
Your donation provides a young person with the opportunity to attend and present at our two-day Joining our Youth (JOY) Conference.
Sponsor an OSBHA intern for an entire month.
Your donation provides a young person with the opportunity to intern alongside our staff to gain real-world advocacy, programming and event skills.

Better health for Oregon’s students and communities is made possible because of you.
Giving a young person an opportunity to learn, grow and share is significant on its own. That’s without even considering the ripple effect your donation might inspire! By equipping our youth with the knowledge and know-how to speak up and share their ideas, you are uniting with us to create a brighter, more equitable future for Oregon’s students and communities.
How many lives will you impact with your support?