What is student health, really?
When we talk about addressing health needs, we mean all the factors that impact a student’s health…
When it comes to student health, it’s all interconnected.
Is a child absent often because they need to care for a sibling?
Are they coming to school hungry?
Do they have a safe place to sleep at night?
Are they being bullied, with nowhere to turn?
Are they sick, but don’t have access to medical care?
Do they need identity-affirming care, yet it’s not available?
If a student were facing these situations, would they be healthy? Would they be able to become the most authentic versions of themselves? Would they be able to pay attention in school, and learn?

Student health can be made up of many different components, and impacted by factors within their body, their day-to-day, and their community:
Lack of healthcare
Language differences
Availability of childcare
Mental health
Physical health
Lack of housing
Food insecurity
Job insecurity
All of these components contribute to a student’s physical health — and their ability to succeed in school, and beyond!
At OSBHA, when we talk about improving student health, we talk about improving everything that impacts their health. The amazing news?
Schools have the unique ability to make a difference!
As the heart of the community, schools can expand wellness for their unique community. Our hands-on support helps schools to address the needs of the whole child, allowing communities to make their own determinations about what they need, and their own decisions on how to best utilize funding.
How can your school best serve your community? Let’s figure it out together.
Each day, we lead this movement.
We focus on the big-picture of health.
We broaden our awareness of how we can support students, and their communities.
And we see our work improving lives.