OSBHA's next School Health Advocacy Day is scheduled for Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021.
As you might expect, Advocacy Day is going to look a little different this year!
School Health Advocacy Day is the only youth-driven advocacy event that supports school-based health services in Oregon. This year we will be holding this event virtually. We are excited for this event to continue to provide an opportunity for youth from across Oregon to come together, meet their legislators, and advocate for the importance of school-based health services in their communities, while staying safely in their homes or schools.
More details will be released as we continue our planning process. We hope you will join us virtually on February 23rd between 9:30 am - 3:30 pm! Times may shift a bit as parts of the program come together. More details to follow. 

Pre-Registration is now open! If you are a School-Based Health coordinator in Oregon and interested in bringing a group of youth to our 2021 Virtual School Health Advocacy Day, please fill out our pre-registration form!  This gives us a chance to plan for an estimated number of people, as well as provide you materials and trainings to prepare for the event.  Please complete pre-registration by January 15th.  

When we open full registration, it will be a little different than it has in past years.  We will be sending you a link to share with youth to have them register individually.  This will allow us to provide Zoom links to each youth to attend the event virtually, and collect addresses to send follow up materials to the youth who are interested. More information will be provided in your master planning guide packet after you pre-register. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact OSBHA administrative coordinator: Jessica@osbha.org.


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