The Oregon School-Based Health Alliance (OSBHA), as a statewide advocate for school-based health centers and improved school health services for Oregon's K-12 population, offers a range of services and expertise for communities and stakeholders working toward better health and education outcomes at the local level. We are experts in school-based health and can help you create successful services, training, and programs.
Grant Writing and Implementation
- Help for local communities, SBHCs and/or schools to conceptualize, frame, focus and write funding proposals related to school-based health care
- Consultation on grant or program implementation strategies
Grant reporting consults, including reporting template development
SBHC Planning and Development
Community engagement including:
- Identifying and convening stakeholders and partners
- Discussion facilitation with identification and exploration of desired services, concerns
- Develop a cohesive, agreed-upon plan
- Resource identification and development
- Designated process guide who will attend key community meetings to provide additional support as needed
- Support and tools for dealing with opposition
- Support for establishing and managing advisory councils
- Business planning, include financial structure and tools
Planning for data identification and organization
Partnership Development
- SBHC-school
SBHC-school nurse
Service Expansion for Current SBHCs
- Mental health
- Substance use disorder
- Contraception
Oral health
Youth Council Development
- Recruitment strategies
- Project planning
Direct technical assistance and feedback from Statewide Youth Action Council members
Marketing and Communication
Develop community-specific plans for broad or population-specific SBHC marketing
Targeted Advocacy
For strategic, immediate, or longer-term planning
SBHC Team Building
- Assessment
- Planning
Staff Skill Development
Communicating effectively with youth
- Featured training: Eye to Eye: Discussing Sensitive Topics with Youth provided by our seasoned Student Health Advocates
- Using SBIRT and CRAFFT in SBHCs
- Addiction assessment
- Providing mental health services for specific disorders: depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorder
- How to connect with disconnected youth
- How to connect with disconnected families
- Professional boundaries, ethics and working in SBHCs
​OSBHA can offer continuing education credits for trainings based on participant needs