Urgent request to supporters of school-based health: Time is of the essence!

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The 2019 legislative session is fast approaching. Representative Nancy Nathanson put forth a legislative concept that will become a bill. Its goal is to get more children and youth health services in schools statewide. The bill will give communities funding for planning grants, and then provide subsequent funding for a school-based health center, school-based mental health services, school nurses, or trauma informed schools efforts, depending on the need shown in the planning process.
We need your help to get other representatives to co-sponsor the legislative concept. The more legislators that we have sign on before the "legislative concept" turns into a bill in a couple of weeks, the better.
Contact your representative and you can make a difference today! You can call, email, use social media, or send a postcard. Suggested language is below. We strongly encourage you to personalize it by saying what kinds of health services you need and why (e.g. "students in my school have high rates of anxiety and depression, so need mental health supports" or "there are a lot of barriers to kids accessing health care in this community so we need a school-based health center", or "because my school had ____ services I got help when I needed it. Other students need that opportunity"). Thank you for advocating for young people!
Suggested Language
"Please cosponsor Representative Nathanson's legislative concept, LC2783, to get more health services in schools. Providing health services in schools helps youth get the kind of support they need, when and where they need it. This concept will allow school communities to identify their priorities and develop the support system that would best address the needs of students." Then add a sentence or two with information about you or your community's needs.
Sign your name with your address or zip code, so they know you are from their district. 
Thank you and happy holidays!
-Your friends at OSBHA